Blog: Active Measures and the NHS

1 minute read

When the UK Government tried to warn people to stay home to protect the NHS via SMS, Foreign State Actors took that as an opportunity to try and stoke fear and hatred into the British public by indicating a fine will be issued for breaking the government advice.


On the ‘date’ The UK Government decided to send out an SMS informing the UK population to stay at home. To do this, they asked all UK cell providers to send an SMS stating the following:

A genuine SMS text from UK service providers posing as tke UK Gov.

The above image is the genuine SMS crafted by the UK government. The idea behind this message was to keep all citizens informed about staying at home to protect the NHS as best as possible. It is important to note that the UK Gov, did not send this message themselves, they in fact asked all UK Cell providers to send the SMS as “UK Gov” this is important as many people have stated that people were “spoofing” the government, which is just simply not true.

Fake Messages

As with most things related to the government, the scammers are quick to catch on in hope they can piggy back the governments tactics and

more coming soon…